
Reflection on STEAM and ICT

Reflection on STEAM and ICT  While completing the first semester of the course of M. Ed. One Year (STEAM), I found the ICT in STEAM to be very productive with some critical reflection of the course. The course not led us to the biosphere of technology but also emancipated us with a handful of knowledge of using different technologies, tools and resources which can be integrated by both students and teachers in the education process.  In an article Alexendra (2021) states the use of technology in education is becoming increasingly popular as educational institutions seek to provide the best possible education for their students. Therefore, the use of technology i.e Information and Communication Technology (ICT) has become a pertinent issue and an indispensable part of this progressive digital era. Since using ICT tools and applications allows students to study at a much faster rate than they would otherwise, employing educational technology has become crucial for today's studen...

Creating personal website in Nepali

 We can create our own website without paying. It uses your own google drive and can upload up to of 15 GB data. Easy Steps for creating google sites:    By Following the instruction create your own personal google site and submit the link here:  Assignment: Submit your google site. And update the link here:  Googlesite

Utilizing ICTs in both Personal and Professional Life

Utilizing ICTs in both Personal and Professional Life  By:  Tika Ram Khatiwada Since I started my teaching career, ICT has always been playing a very important role in my profession. We cannot imagine teaching pedagogy a complete pedagogy without ICT integration in Education. Even though my early teaching was only with chalk and duster which were the tools or teaching instruments/materials in the classroom. The classrooms were empty with board, chalk and duster. It is almost 15 years I have been spending my time teaching, and there are a lot of changes in teaching and learning. Different approaches and pedagogies have been brought into practice. In this respect, the use of ICT in the classroom and for learning purposes.   In the early periods of my career, I used printed papers, with different font sizes, types and colours. They mesmerised students and created interest in reading those colourful printed papers. I had a Desktop computer during the time which was boug...

The SAMR Model as a Framework for Evaluating mLearning

The SAMR Model as a Framework for Evaluating mLearning  By: Danae Romrell, Lisa C. Kidder and Emma Wood Idaho State University  ABSTRACT As mobile devices become more prominent in the lives of students, the use of mobile devices has the potential to transform learning. Mobile learning, or mLearning, is defined as learning that is personalized, situated, and connected through the use of a mobile device. As mLearning activities are developed, there is a need for a framework within which mLearning activities can be evaluated. The SAMR Model provides such a framework (Puentedura, 2013). This paper reviews recent literature on mLearning and provides examples of activities that fall within each of the four classifications of the SAMAR Model: substitution, augmentation, modification, and redefinition.  Read Article:   Article for further reading Assignment:  Google Form