The SAMR Model as a Framework for Evaluating mLearning
The SAMR Model as a Framework for Evaluating mLearning
By: Danae Romrell, Lisa C. Kidder and Emma Wood
Idaho State University
As mobile devices become more prominent in the lives of students, the use of mobile devices has the potential to transform learning. Mobile learning, or mLearning, is defined as learning that is personalized, situated, and connected through the use of a mobile device. As mLearning activities are developed, there is a need for a framework within which mLearning activities can be evaluated. The SAMR Model provides such a framework (Puentedura, 2013). This paper reviews recent literature on mLearning and provides examples of activities that fall within each of the four classifications of the SAMAR Model: substitution, augmentation, modification, and redefinition.
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